Opportunities to watch a game of Miami Marlins increased by joining an organization of Ichiro!
It is the 25-year-old young main battery,
Giancarlo Cruz-Michael Stanton outfielder to take the center of the batting order of Marlins.
Even as for the person who does not know Stanton in detail,
May you have heard only the name in this news of last November?
"Stanton in history maximum amount, 13 years by contract 37,700 million yen"
After all, speaking of the trademark of the Stanton player, it will be the arm sleeve of the right arm!
A merit to wear an arm sleeve is the following point.
・ it prevent the blurring of the muscle.
・ it reduce fatigue
・ Stability of the movement is provided.
and it control sweat and temperature.
It is the product which you may wear to both arms,
The player whom only one arm uses seems to have many players to attach to the dominant hand.
The recommended arm sleeve is the following product!
NIKE Arm sleeve AT9006
NIKE Arm sleeve AT9009
We do not know what maker the arm sleeve which Stanton player wears is, but he seems to use some colors properly.
The batting gloves employed the MVP of Nike.
Recommended Nike batting glove.
NIKE batting glove GB0386
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